
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

" God My Provider"

I was wondering the other day at how much many of us stress and worry about how we are going to meet our needs. We struggle and strive, we compete and crave to go ahead in life - to make more money so we can meet all our needs and even wants. Some may end up in a lot of debt buying things that they cannot afford. In all of this one thing is common, we're operating from fear.

Now don't get me wrong. God isn't against any of the things I mentioned above (well except for Debt - it isn't Father's will for us to be in debt and keep worrying about how we can pay it off). He isn't against us making money, having a good house and having the best education. It is in our Father's best interest to provide us anything and everything we need and want.

But the trouble is when we start operating from fear. Fear has its roots in unbelief. Unbelief not only in the ability of God, but also in his willingness to bless us. So we take matters in our own hands. Instead of depending on God, we depend on our strength. God calls us to a faith rest in Him. God says - " Come to Me all those who are weary and I will give you rest" To operate in rest is to depend on Him.

Anything we do outside of our dependance in Him is our attempt to be like Him. The bible teaches us that anything outside of faith is sin.  Also Paul says- "It is not I who live..." why? Because the old self died! The new self is in union with Christ. This new self is dependent on Christ's life.

So let God be God in our lives! Let him do the job of providing for us. Let us therefore learn to sacrifice our bodies (our strengths) and live in and operate out of a dependence on Him. Quit striving and stressing and start resting in  His strength (His resurrection power in us). It is God who provides. Its less burdensome to quit playing God and let Him be our provider. God will provide! GOD will provide! God WILL provide! God will PROVIDE for all our  needs.


About This Blog

I hope I am able to convey to you the riches of God's grace from my perspective. I am a still learning and I just decided to put down what I learn in writing. I urge you to have an open mind as you read through this blog. I also post articles and links of others that have blessed me. Also please don't forget to read older posts as well. My prayer is that this blog will be an instrument of encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord.

"Of one thing we can be sure: if our righteousness is the fruit of our struggle, it is not the righteousness of God for His righteousness is a gift. Self-justification is not holiness even if it looks like it!" Jack Stewart - "The Legalist"

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