Jesus-Based Acceptance

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hey guys, I just decided to post a portion from a book that I am currently reading. The book is called Lifetime Guarantee by Bill Gillham. I strongly recommend this book for you to read if you are on a journey to understand God's grace.

One of the best-kept secrets in Christianity is that God accepts us. True, He can't stand our sinful acts, but He loves us. He doesn't have us on performance-based acceptance; He has us on Jesus-based acceptance. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Father has accepted  you completely. Performance has nothing whatever to do with it. Performance is important to God, yes, but it has to do with winning His approval, not His acceptance. It has to do with hearing Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" one day at the Judgement Seat of Christ, but it has nothing to do with hearing Him say, "I accept you as My beloved child" (John 1:12)

You can be the greatest performer on the block at keeping God's standards, and you'll still be totally rejected by God if you are unsaved. One of the major purposes of those standards (the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, etc.) is to frustrate you to the point where you'll see that there's no way you're ever going to earn His acceptance. You've got to change methods. You've got to come to the Father through Christ's perfection, just as He said.

To demonstrate how deeply entrenched Satan has made the performance-based acceptance syndrome, consider this biblically based illustration. On a one-to-ten scale, where ten is the best, put a number on how well you accept yourself, your spouse, and your kids, assuming all are born again. Let's suppose you selected a five for yourself. You're saying that you still have five additional points to climb before you can accept yourself perfectly.

But God accepts you perfectly in Christ already. God doesn't grade on a one-to-ten scale; He grades pass-fail. His acceptance of you and me is not contingent on our performance, but on what we have done with Jesus Christ's performance for us. If you have surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Savior, then God has already accepted you completely. He couldn't love or accept you more if you had never sinned. And He'll never love or accept you less no matter how often you do sin.

Actually, any Christian who accepts himself or any other believer at less than ten has higher standards that God! He sees himself and his loved ones falling short of the standard for acceptance. THis person is using performance as the criterion for acceptance. God, however, uses Christ's finished work for us as the criterion for acceptance. Thus, any Christian who is striving for acceptance is fighting a battle that's already been won.


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I hope I am able to convey to you the riches of God's grace from my perspective. I am a still learning and I just decided to put down what I learn in writing. I urge you to have an open mind as you read through this blog. I also post articles and links of others that have blessed me. Also please don't forget to read older posts as well. My prayer is that this blog will be an instrument of encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord.

"Of one thing we can be sure: if our righteousness is the fruit of our struggle, it is not the righteousness of God for His righteousness is a gift. Self-justification is not holiness even if it looks like it!" Jack Stewart - "The Legalist"

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